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香港中南集團成立於1935年,75年來持續穩定發展,觸角廣及精鑄、傢俱、電子多種產業。中南創發集團(中南集團附屬公司)台北公司於2010年11月成立,目前銷售自行研發生產之觸控模組、保護玻璃、PVD專業鍍膜、筆記型電腦以及手機相關金屬零件等。 公司潛力無窮,期望有志菁英青年加入我們的團隊。 Chung Nam Group of companies is based in Hong Kong, tracing its origin back to over 75 years ago. The late Mr. and Mrs. CHONG Ching Um founded the group in 1935, engaging in export, manufacturing, and trading in the Southeast Asian markets. Towards 2000, in-house research and development resulted in a breakthrough with different patents being filed. The group gradually became diversified through acquisitions and establishing new joint ventures. CN Innovations Group (subsidiaries of Chung Nam Group) is headquartered in Hong Kong and employs over 10,000 people all over the world. The group has a focused structure operating with two platforms: (1) technology and manufacturing, and (2) distribution and retailing.
經戰會於2007年成立其宗旨第一步是要促進大中華經濟區的經濟活動和經濟發展,最終擴大範疇到促進世界之經濟發展。經戰會不僅結合了兩岸四地不同的工商業界團體,也誠摯的歡迎來自其它地區如美國、歐洲及新加坡等地的團體一同分享經驗及想法,這其中之一的目標也是要消除政治上的歧見,一同追求共同的利益。經戰會也是為企業活動和資訊交流提供了一個絕佳的平台。 SDCER was established in 2007 and its mandate is to foster development of economic activities within this Greater Chinese Economic Region and ultimately to facilitate global economic development. SDCER welcomes different industrial and business groups from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao to work together or even groups from Singapore or US to share their experience and to overcome political obstacles to pursue mutual benefits. SDCER is the platform for business activities and information exchange.
We are a small but fast growing technical Sales and Service organisation serving the Semiconductor, Photronics and Optoelectronics Industry in the Pacific region. It was founded in 1985 in Hong Kong. To enhance our operations in the Far East, we established branch offices in Taiwan and Singapore in the early 1990s. At the start of the new millennium, we also set up an office in Shanghai, to cope with our growth in Mainland China. Now the company has Service Centers in Hong Kong,Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and various cities (Shanghai, Suzhou, Tianjin and Shenzhen) in China. The company represents various leading equipment and material manufacturers in the Far East. Our customers include almost all Assembly Houses, Wafer Fabs, LCD manufacturers and major universities and research institutes in the territories we cover. We are looking for high-quality candidates to join our Taiwan team to grow the business together.
以經營績效為目標,於客戶駐地現場輔導. As a team of business consultants, we help organisations navigate the process of change needed to identify and convert opportunities within their operations to actual business financial benefits and desired results We operate in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. In Australia and SEA sharing resources and knowledge with its alliance partners
優普集團於2002年在新加坡交易所主板掛牌上市,主要從事電子元件的製造與代理,另外還有新成立的綠能事業部。集團的總部設立於新加坡,銷售據點遍佈於北京、香港、上海、蘇州、深圳、天津、成都、臺灣臺北、泰國曼谷及英國倫敦等地區。 集團的製造事業部專門生產自有品牌薄膜電容器,在中國深圳、蘇州兩地擁有設備先進的工廠;位於臺灣的新竹子公司-晧鑫科技,則生產片式電感與片式磁珠。代理事業部主要為多個國際品牌的主動及被動電子元件做代理銷售,如:AVX、Sharp、Micro Crystal、River、Kemet和Samsung。於2008年成立的優普綠能事業部,是亞洲區植株幼苗培植的領導廠商之一,也是中國最大的組織培植製造商。主要經營項目為利用生物科技,進行替代燃料作物與觀賞植株的組織培植。 Europtronic Group, a SGX-listed company in Singapore since 2002, has key businesses in electronic components manufacturing and distribution, and a rapidly-growing biotechnology unit. Headquartered in Singapore, the Group has sales locations in China: Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Chengdu, as well as Taipei, Bangkok and London. Our manufacturing business unit produces its own brand of film capacitors at two state-of-the art factories located in Shenzhen and Suzhou, in China, and chip inductors and chip beads via its wholly-owned subsidiary Housing Technology Corp. in Hsinchu, Taiwan. As a one-stop solutions provider, the Group also distributes other active and passive components for established international brands, including AVX, Sharp, Micro Crystal, River, Kemet, and Samsung via its distribution business unit. Europtronic Green Energy, established in 2008, is now one of the leading plantlet propagators in Asia, as well as the biggest tissue culture propagator in China. Using biotechnology, the unit specialises in the tissue culturing of fuel crop seedlings and ornamental plantlets.
本公司成立迄今10多年,客戶類別橫跨 醫療、專櫃、診所 及 工研院 政府機關等產業,舉凡一流標竿企業皆是本公司客戶,為現今國內最專業的醫學美容儀器領導廠商。 本公司抱持的經營模式為:從客戶角度出發來定義公司未來的發展藍圖。堅信有滿意的客戶,才有存在的價值!展望未來必須在既有產品線、服務機制基礎上,多方整合上、下游同業的資源,形成策略體系;更重要的是,我們還要在客戶需求變動中,找到新的營運模式,與客戶共同建構出全球化與國際化的核心競爭能力。 在「揮灑知識價值,創新產業未來」的企業使命下,將從「代理儀器關鍵夥伴」進階至「產業關鍵夥伴」的企業定位,並進而成為亞太區最有影響力的廠商。 1997年 公司創立 2001年 榮獲中華民國第六回工業商業優秀企業代表『風雲企業』 榮獲中華民國全國 『金商獎』 2004年 成立香港分公司 Room 906, Trendy Centre, 682 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍荔枝角青山道 682 號潮流工貿中心 906 室 2010年 進軍香港、大陸市場 ※ 本公司非直銷或壽險公司
SSP is an international leading foodservice provider in airports, railway stations, motorway service areas and on-board trains across the world. With more than 40 years experience, our vision is to create a better experience to the traveling customers through the operation in 26 countries, 122 airports, and over 2000 catering and retail units. In Asia Pacific, our operations include Hong Kong, Shanghai, Hainan, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore and Taiwan. SSP 是一間全球性餐飲服務機構,業務地點主要在國際機場、火車站、高速公路和火車車廂。以超過40 年經驗及透過在26個國家, 122 個機場, 和超過2000個餐飲銷售點的運作, 我們的願景是「為旅客創造更好的經驗」。 在亞太區, 我們的營運已遍佈香港、上海、海南、泰國、柬埔寨、新加坡和臺灣等地。
I’ll start by introducing myself . I’m a Taiwanese, and my husband is a New Zealand born Hong kong. We both are qualified Chef’s. We own a small cafe call Gina’s cafe. We put professionalism first, which applies to food, coffee and service, as well as mood, amosphere, comfort, and most important hygiene and safety. we are not just your average cafe which only does coffee and sandwiches, we also have pizza’s, pasta, rice dishes, salads, set menu, wireless internet, and many more. we also try to stay healthy, we use olive oil in cooking, we make all our sauces with fresh quality products, nothing is bought pre made, such as our pizza base, tomatoe base, white sauce, aioli sauce, lemon vinegarette. That the way to life these days, staying healthy, as well as having our own unique taste. So please come and check us out and put a good feedback if you happen to enjoy it, we will do our best to make your welcome a unforgetable one.
天文旅行社成立於民國69年8月,其主要業務是為下列各航空公司台灣區總代理,處理及推廣航空公司業務。天文旅行社隸屬於怡和集團。 英國航空公司 英航每星期有17班定期班機往返於香港 (Hong Kong) 與倫敦 (London) 之間,英航航線遍佈全球,倫敦市 (London) 為其中心點,並每日均有班機自曼谷 (Bangkok) 新加坡 (Singapore) 或北京 (Beijing) 飛往倫敦及歐洲各大城市。 本公司並代理:澳洲航空霍運/捷星亞洲航空貨運/惠旅航空貨運公司之貨運業務。
本公司成立於1974年,主要負責進出口海空運承攬,台北.台中.桃園機場.香港.上海均設有公司, 國外代理遍部全球一百多個國家. Andy Air Transport Co,. Ltd. was founded in the year 1974 as an airfreight forwarder, and has since then been servicing hundreds of thousands of exporters and importers in Taiwan mainly to/from America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa as well. This organisation consists of export, import, worldwide courier, and customs clearance departments. The range of our services covers air freight, ocean freight, sea-air freight, worldwide courier, and customs clearance. It has four branch offices located in CKS international airport, Taichung city, and Hong Kong, Shanghai, China respectively.
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